Please tell me once more: where do you travel to this time?

…. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan.

Okay, and where the hell is that? – in Central Asia, where you’ll find literally nothing when looking on your atlas.

Uh, and then why would one go there? – Exactly for that reason.

Well, I wish you good luck for this slightly strange idea then!

So almost one year after having come back from my world-trip, it is time for me to start my next journey to the still pretty much undiscovered natural beauties of the mountains, lakes and deserts in the “-stan” countries and to the aforesaid marvellous cities along the old Silk Road. I will try and make my way through those former Soviet-ruled republics and dictatorships with Michael, ex flat-mate, future pilot and good friend of mine.

Although I still don’t know whether we’ll have the time and infrastructure to feed this blog as much as during the time with Steffen, you are welcome to drop by every now and then – maybe there will be something new, interesting or funny to read about …. so long!