Visa Problems between Western Culture and Chinese Tradition

Hong-Kong, the first city where something should go terribly wrong on our world-trip …. our plan was easy: stop there on the way to China, get the visa for the People’s Republic (as a German resident I could not get it in Argentina) in two days and enjoy the other two days visiting the metropolis. However, the Chinese embassy had other surprises for us. When we handed in all the necessary forms, I was told to provide tons of additional documents. But even worse was that the express service was not available for Europeans anymore and therefore we would get the visa after 4 days, which would be too late to catch our plane to Beijing. The official who told us so was so rude and aggressive that we can now understand why the dragon is China’s heraldic animal. It seemed like we would have to wait over the weekend and then try to get some new flights, while a friend of us was waiting in Beijing all the time (since we won’t travel in China on our own during the first weeks, but be accompanied by Wu Jiqing).

At the same day, Steve found a travel agency which announced they could offer him to get his visa in 3 days without providing ANY documents other than his passport. As he had no real alternative, he simply tried and accepted. But for French citizens, things are more complicated: there was no other way for me than providing the required documents (flight tickets, international insurance, travel schedule and hotel reservations, whereas it doesn’t matter whether the latter ones are faked or not) and I would have to wait the 4 days anyway. I must admit that I should have known this before, because it is all written on the French websites of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Unfortunately for me I had just phoned the German and the Argentine embassy of China, which both told me it would not be a problem to get the visa in Hong-Kong in 3 days, but I had not thought there could be some differences between German and French, since until now Europeans had always been treated equally. Hence, I would miss my flight to Beijing on Friday, without a chance to change anything about it. I later found out that the whole reason was Sarkozy’s welcoming of the Dalai Lama like a head of state …. Continue reading

What a Wonderful World

After having had rather poor weather during our first week in Tonga, we were happy that the conditions improved from Sunday on. Everyone who is now expecting us to tell you some spectacular story will be disappointed, because we simply spent some days relaxing at the beach. But what a beach! We were mostly all alone, the long strip of white sand is lined by a forest of coconut palms, the water always has a comfortable temperature of about 25 degrees and going to the sea is like jumping into an aquarium: the whole ground is covered by coral reef and you see hundreds of different fishes of all sizes, shapes and colors. They come close to you, some blue sea-stars are relaxing at the bottom and you can find many mussels and crabs everywhere. Since it was my first time snorkelling and I was so amazed by this underwater-world, I did not see a bigger wave coming, which pushed me towards the reef where I scratched myself a bit. And exactly at that moment, when I was slightly bleeding, I saw a 1.5 meters big reef shark swimming 3 meters away from me …. scary experience when you have no idea whether they are dangerous or not! However, the shark did not seem to be interested in further interaction (or was disgusted by my blood) and later the hotel owner told me that such a meeting is quite common and that at least in the past 40 years no incidences occurred. So the next days we swam to the area where I had seen the shark and we looked hours for this guy to come back again, but unfortunately in vain. You see, also in the South-Pacific not everything is perfect :-) At the resort we also met lots of travellers of all ages who had interesting routes and a great way to discover the countries they are visiting: almost everyone took the public bus to the “city” (with respect to the Tongan definition), couples in retirement cycled across the island to see the sights and all were interested in getting into contact with the local people. So it seems you can do large and challenging travels when you’re retired, but though they were experienced travellers maybe it is hard to first learn it in that age. Continue reading

Rain in Paradise

So finally we arrived to the “Friendly Islands” …. it was rainy and windy again, but this time the pilot (male, by the way) landed so smoothly that I did not even wake up! In the plane we met Siue, a young Tongan working in New Zealand, who arranged the airport transfer to town for us, so we did not have to take a taxi. At the same day we went to the wharf in the capital city (Nuku’alofa) to ask for the ferries to the Ha’apai Group, where we wanted to spend a week on a lonesome island. However, still due to the stormy weather, the sea was so rough that there was no ferry service that Wednesday. Hence, we returned the next morning and they announced that there would not be any passages until Monday. As also the flights were full (the only domestic airline had resigned the Sunday before and there was just some replacement service available) and we only have two weeks for Tonga, so going to that group was not worth it for us anymore because we would have spent just one night there. But luckily, finding some alternative program is not very difficult in Tonga.

We spent two days in Nukualofa (staying at Sela’s Guest House), visited the market and the King’s Palace and did a bike tour around the main island (Tongatapu) to the blow holes. What impressed us most was how green the landscape is, everything grows here in abundance: mangos, bananas, melons, sweet potatoes, the people’s bellies and most important, coconuts. We were taught how to drink the milk and afterwards how to open and peel them, and we cook a lot with them (together with curry). The taste of a fresh coconut which has fallen from a tree 10 minutes before is simply awesome! From Friday on, we stayed in a simple but great Beach Resort (Heilala Holiday Lodge), so we have a more or less comparable beach experience as we wanted to have in Ha’apai. And since yesterday the weather is also improving a lot. Continue reading

Too few days in NZ and then too many

After our reunification at Auckland airport we arrived at a city where we had no idea what to do and of course no accommodation. We took the airport shuttle to down-town (which costs more than living two days in Bolivia) and soon decided that this city center, which is neither nice nor ugly but rather sterile, was definitely not the aim of our journey. The program we created for our 3 days here started with the best thing you can do on your first evening in New Zealand: going to a rugby match at the legendary Eden Park Stadium! We were lucky to see the opening match of the “Super XV” season (with teams from NZ, Australia and South-Africa) between the best team from the north island, the Auckland Blues with Piri Weepu, and the best team from the south island, Israel Dagg and Dan Carter’s (the one and only man) Canterbury Crusaders. With more than 40 000 spectators (approx. 80% of the stadium was full) we experienced a great atmosphere, even though it was quite different from European football – it seemed more like a family excursion to us. Fans from both teams sit together, there is no real fan culture, the speaker has to animate people, visitors are in a good mood but you don’t feel like they would suffer from a defeat of their team. However, maybe this did not happen because the Blues won 34-15. Before the match, we took the advantage of being early and sprinted up to the relatively nearby Mount Eden to enjoy the panoramic view of Auckland.

The same day we also experienced many other German “travellers”: they came to NZ directly after school without any plan what to do, have to work (or even steal) most of the time and are still running out of money, of course because New Zealand is expensive but mainly because they spend a lot on activities like bungee-jumping. The first thing they ask is where they can find (cheap) beer, they cook things even Steve (previously known as Esteffen) would be ashamed of, and the worst thing is that actually they have no things to tell. We felt really old but this time it felt well. However, this whole situation was a good incentive to head to the edge of town to the Fat Cat Traveller’s Hostel which at first sight seemed a bit alternative, but turned out to be one of the best hostels we stayed at so far. It is run ecologically, they plant a lot of vegetables and fruits and the most amazing are the people there – all are interested and interesting (also the Germans who came to NZ directly after school), you can talk and learn a lot, they are considerate, have personality and the hostel had by far, no, by VERY far the prettiest girls! Continue reading

14 Hours in Los Angeles

As (unlike Esteffen) I did not have a direct flight from Santiago to Auckland but had to transit via LA, I at least took the advantage of having more than 12 hours free time there to visit this city. The first and most important thing here was that English is definitely NOT necessary since everyone understands Spanish and many people speak it even better. So no need to change everything, just continue talking as always (btw, the first ad I saw was about a concert from Ricardo Arjona) :-) Although I did not expect anything, I must admit that I quite enjoyed the city: it is of course much more modern than every town in South-America, has a nice sunny weather during the winter, many green places and palms and is super bike-friendly – there is an incredible amount of persons from every social class who are using racing bikes or stylish fixed single-speed bikes, the streets have large bike paths, buses transport bicycle on ingenious stands and there is a lot of space for the cyclists in the metros.

Thanks to the fast and wide metro infrastructure I was able to visit almost every interesting part of Los Angeles, also because the different sites are not that big such that you have plenty of time to enjoy the places while walking around. First I went to the most superficial area I have ever seen in my life, namely the Hollywood Boulevard. To be honest, the two blocks next to the metro station are very horrible. A few film museums, lots of tourist-trap tours to the houses of some famous VIPs in the Beverly Hills, and MANY fake Jack Sparrows and Darth Vaders trying to get your money for making fancy moves or letting you take a picture of them. But the funny thing is that if you walk only one block more, you are almost alone (at least all cliché tourists are gone) and are feeling to be in a normal nice avenue, except that there are all the red stars from every known musician or actor on the ground. Continue reading